What are spondylitis pains of the neck and back? | Symptoms | Causes | Treatment | Treatment at home

What are spondylitis pains of the neck and back? | Symptoms | Causes | Treatment | Treatment at home

What are spondylitis pains of the neck and back?

Spondylitic pains of the neck and back area due to the disorder in the spinal cord in which the patient feels exasperating pain in the neck and back. It develops from the wear and tear of cartilage and bones. The main risk factor for these pains is aging, also the risk may increase with neck injuries, work-related activities, or genetic factors. Mostly this causes due to the inactive life or desk-bound job of the patient.


The main symptoms are the lower back, mid-back, or neck pain or stiffness and a nagging soreness in the neck, muscle cramps, muscle weakness, pain around the shoulder, dizziness, and headache in the back of the head.


Some possible causes of this condition include bone spurs, dehydrated spinal disc with aging, herniated discs, ligament stiffness, neck injury, repetitive strain injury (RSI), or heavy lifting.


A doctor will analyze certain factors like the intensity of pain in the neck and back, neck’s or spine’s range of motion, tingling and numbness sensations in arms and legs, to understand the condition, and then he/she can recommend conservative treatment to help the patient overcome the discomfort and pain. The doctor may also recommend some tests like x-ray, CT Scan, MRI to check the seriousness of the condition and will provide the medication accordingly.

Treatment at home

For temporary pain relief, painkillers, hot packs, and for reducing inflammation, an ice pack or cold pack can be applied. The specific type of exercising regularly can also help the patient to recover fast.

When to see a doctor

If your pain in the neck or back starts to interfere with your daily activities, also you notice some tingling or numbness in the shoulders, arms, or legs, you need to see a doctor (neurologist or orthopedist) and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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