Insomnia | What Is Insomnia? | Types | Causes | Symptoms of insomnia | Treatment | Treatment at home | When to see a doctor?

Insomnia | What Is Insomnia? | Types | Causes | Symptoms of insomnia | Treatment | Treatment at home | When to see a doctor?

What Is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep. It can have serious effects, leading to excessive daytime sleepiness, a higher risk of auto accidents, and widespread health effects from sleep deprivation.


Many adults experience short-term (acute) insomnia, which lasts for days or weeks. It’s usually the result of stress or a traumatic event. But some people have long-term (chronic) insomnia that lasts for a month or more. For some people, the primary problem is falling asleep, while others struggle with staying asleep. How a person is affected by insomnia can vary significantly based on its cause, severity, and how it is influenced by underlying health conditions.


Common causes of insomnia include stress, an irregular sleep schedule, poor sleeping habits, mental health disorders like anxiety and depression, physical illnesses and pain, medications, neurological problems, and specific sleep disorders. For many people, a combination of these factors can initiate and worsen insomnia.

Symptoms of insomnia

Apart from disturbed sleep, insomnia can lead to other issues, such as daytime fatigue, irritability, gastrointestinal symptoms, low motivation or energy, poor concentration and focus, a lack of coordination, tension headaches, difficulty socializing, working, or studying.


The best approach can depend on the underlying cause and the type of insomnia, but some options include, counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, prescription medications, or over-the-counter sleep aids.

Treatment at home

A number of remedies at home and tips can help manage insomnia. They involve changes to lifestyle such as sleeping habits, dietary habits, well-being, and relaxation.
Also, warm milk, herbal tea, and valerian are just a few of the natural sleep aids one can try.

When to see a doctor?

You should see a doctor if you experience, difficulty concentrating or memory problems, extreme fatigue, mood problems, such as anxiety, depression, or irritability, or more than three months of sleep problems.

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